5 Ways to Grow Your Followers on Social Media and Find Influencers

Grow Your Followers on Social Media

It is estimated that 75 million Americans check their social media several times a day; as a consequence, social media is quickly becoming one of the fastest and most effective methods to influence the public, from current events to retail, everything is funneled through the social media stream. Trying to build your social media following and influence, but not sure how to start? Do you think there are already social media followings for every topic and it will be impossible to grow your account? Whatever the case may be, there are ways to connect with influencers and grow your social media following! Take a look at our tips below and start growing your influence today!

Post Regularly.

Frequency is key to growing your social media following, if you go weeks without posting content, you are going to also lose the interest of your followers. To be successful, social media needs to be on brand with what you are promoting and treated like another facet of your job so that you post daily and take it seriously.

Find What Fits.

If you find that you reach more followers and connect with more influencers on Twitter, that is where you need to focus your energy. If you think that you are gaining the most speed on Instagram, keep your business there. If you spread yourself too thin, you will suffer growth across the board. After you gain a sizeable following on a couple of platforms you can brainstorm a way to expand and transfer followers, but don’t rush success, build a stable base!

Follow People Who Match Your Brand.

That’s right, follow competitors, preferably successful ones. Many times, building a relationship with those in your field will gain you a network and an opportunity for competitors to introduce or promote you, which will bring valuable followers.


In the beginning, especially, if a follower contacts you, respond and represent yourself well. If followers feel that you are personable and have a positive experience with you, it is likely they will link to your profile and spread the word that your account is worth a follow.


Be careful with this, because you don\’t want to do it too often, but giveaways do bring followers and sometimes you can get a merchandise donation to use as a giveaway in exchange for a follow to the donator\’s account. Use your network, and work together with influencers to get followers for both parties. If there is one lesson about working in social media, it is that you have to build each other up and work together as influencers to be truly successful. A professional business-oriented mind will take you far with your social media journey.

For more tips and tricks on digital marketing and social media campaigns, contact us!

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