20 Myths About Website Design To Debunk

Over the past 10 years everyone from amateur designers, business owners, and technology experts have noticed how much website design has evolved. Progression is key to website design as individuals are now starting to prefer creating their own websites to hiring professionals (to save money for other business expenses).  There are 20 myths about website design that we would like to debunk for you today.

  • It is difficult designing a website: Thanks to website design companies, there is a multitude of options that you can choose from when designing your own website. There are standard templates available that you can customize to still have a unique website.
  • Using specific typography: Despite criticism, there are a variety of typography/font options that you can choose from. Choose what fits your personal/business style instead of doing what is “normal.”
  • Utilizing one adaptive process will not work: When you are creating a website, being unique does not mean that every single page absolutely needs its own design. Your users will appreciate quality over quantity all the time.
  • There is a “one size fits all” responsive design: When you are designing a website, do not believe that there is a “one size fits all” method. Designers of websites should understand that not all websites have to fit the same type of design to reach optimum success.
  • Heavy content does slow down your website: There are a variety of professions (for example photographers, bloggers, and restaurants) that depend upon extensive content. It is important to note that you should always want to get your point across to your viewers, even it does require a heavy load of media/text content.
  • Everyone is using responsive design: Do not believe this myth at all. Every single website does not use responsive design. While it is helpful in most cases, it is not a requirement to use.
  • Website design is expensive: Individuals and small business owners usually start with a small budget for their website designs. There are a variety of ways to get the same success with a simple and affordable website design that an expensive website design could get.
  • It is easy to transition old content to a new website: Different website hosts have different formats that are available. In some cases, it is easy to transition old content to a new website, but it is not a guarantee.
  • Focusing on the mobile design than the actual website (aka “Mobile First”): Although mobile devices are now a staple to individuals just as much as computers/laptops at home, both sides of the spectrum are equally important as you design a website.
  • SEO is a limited option to put effort into: If you want a successful website design, it is important that you take SEO seriously. Word of mouth views is one thing, being able to have a wider audience by using SEO is even better.
  • Responsive Web Design Should Be Your Main Focus: Responsive Web Design is important, however, there are a variety of factors you should keep in mind. The entire website design should have your entire focus, not just one area.
  • The more features you have, the better your website is: Having a variety of features is great, however, you can keep it simple and still achieve the same success without too many features.
  • You should have rotating banners to look modern: Rotating banners are great for viewers to view when they visit a website. Take into consideration the purpose of why a rotating banner is necessary and make your decision from there.
  • Surprise your users and do not ask for feedback: Your users will be the defining factor of your website design work. Surprises are great, but also listen to your clients/audience feedback to improve the website’s performance.
  • Instant success will happen: Do not expect for your website design to receive instant success to moment viewers can see it. While it would be nice, let your success come to you in due time.
  • You will view your website just like your viewers will: As the creator of a website, you may see perfection. Consider the opinions of the viewers that will be visiting the website. Their suggestions are viewpoints that you never thought of and can make the website better.
  • Do not pay attention to mobile views of your website: Mobile views are just as important as views from a computer/laptop. Many individuals use their mobile devices consistently (especially those that travel a lot for personal and/or business reasons).
  • Focus more on your design than the content: The design of a website is important, however, if the content is lackluster then the success (or lack thereof) will show.
  • You need to hire a professional website designer: As an individual/small business owner, you do not need to hire a professional website designer. Feel free to use the templates that are available first, then if you would like to upgrade you can budget appropriately.
  • Do not take inspiration from other websites: You should definitely take inspiration from other websites. Now, this does not mean plagiarize another website, Look at examples that you see are successful and change them into your own style.

If you would like to contact our team for more information, please feel free to visit our website and complete this short inquiry form. We are more than happy to provide more assistance and advice to ensuring you that website design is not as hard as these myths may make it seem to complete.

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