5 Super-Important Web Design Services

If you\’re going to spend your hard-earned cash to get a professional web designer, you should be sure to get your money\’s worth. A good designer will incorporate all of the following web design services into your shiny new website.

  1. Ease of use. The most beautiful website in the world is a disaster waiting to happen if the interface is so complicated that visitors can\’t figure out how to use it. Business websites should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and fun to use.
  2. Mobile friendly. By the end of 2017, over 50 percent of website traffic worldwide came from mobile devices. If your site isn\’t easy to read and navigate from your average smartphone screen, your potential clients will flock to your competitors\’ websites instead.
  3. Really, really fast. Your prospective visitors have the attention spans of hyperactive gerbils. If your webpages are slow to load, they\’ll give up and click out without ever seeing that terrific content you worked so hard to build. A good web designer will take this into account when choosing and preparing images for your site.
  4. Built for SEO. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is how you\’ll get all those eager visitors to your website in the first place. It means designing a website that will appeal to search engines and encourage them to rank your site highly.
  5. Great content. Once you\’ve used SEO to get visitors to your website and set up the site to be fast and responsive, you need to give your visitors a reason to stick around and, hopefully, come back in the future. That means providing them with content that\’s useful, current, and preferably fun to read.

Before you hire a web designer, it\’s crucial to confirm that their design will honor all of the above elements. If not, walk away and find one who will.


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