Does Your SEO Strategy Include Yahoo and Bing?

Internet searches are ubiquitous in the daily lives of millions of people, and that’s why search engine optimization is so important. When we need information, we all turn to Google … or do we? When it comes to search engines and SEO strategy, people wonder: Should my SEO strategy include Yahoo and Bing?

The answer is yes. The opportunities Yahoo and Bing brings is too valuable to ignore. Here is some insight into adding Yahoo and Bing to your SEO strategy.

Adding Yahoo and Bing to Your SEO Strategy is Easy

Since Bing powers Yahoo\’s search, you can combine your SEO strategy for both search engines. The search results will be very similar if not exactly the same, but that does not mean Yahoo and Bing are the same search engine.

One test performed by STAT Search Analytics found that Yahoo and Bing operate on an “eventual consistency model.” This means that Yahoo will provide the search results they currently have on hand until Bing updates its query — making Bing’s search results more current than Yahoo’s in some cases. This means that Yahoo\’s search term rankings could be a day or two older than Bing\’s. This might worry some SEO developers, but with 12.7% of searches, Yahoo’s minimal lag is not an issue to cause concern.

Plenty of People use Yahoo and Bing

CNN Tech reports that 1 in 5 people use Bing which actually turns into roughly 1 in 3 people when you include Yahoo. That is approximately 33% of searches. Yahoo and Bing are not dominating the search engine world like Google, but 33% of searches is a large slice of the search engine pie. That presents a valuable SEO opportunity to gain more unique visitors.

Bing and Yahoo are Finding New Users Everyday

Like Google, Yahoo and Bing are finding new ways to reach more people. Yahoo is currently the default search engine in Firefox, and Bing draws in more users by giving a great user experience.

Tech Radar interviewed a varied group of Bing users, and their feedback was surprising. Many of them describe Bing as more accurate and efficient than Google. They seem to agree that they spend less time scrolling through results than on Google, and Bing ads are not as obtrusive. Web surfers love great user experiences, and we can expect the number of Bing and Yahoo users to rise as time goes by.

The simple truth about search engines is that not everyone uses Google. Yahoo and Bing already have 33% of searches, and we can expect that number to grow. Yahoo and Bing present new opportunities for your website\’s exposure and unique visitor rate, and it is incredibly beneficial to include them in your SEO strategy.

For more tips and tricks on enhancing your SEO strategy, contact us.

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