Social Media

5 Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Sales This Holiday Season

2020 has been an anomaly for businesses worldwide. With this year\’s unique holiday season on the horizon, online business is expected to be the way to make money. As businesses and customers shift online, online shopping and sales volumes are projected to set records. So, how prepared is your business for the 2020 holiday season? […]

5 Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Sales This Holiday Season Read More »

3 Steps to Building Ideal Client Profiles for Your Marketing Platforms

You know the importance of creating personas and client profiles for your marketing program. You know it will help you to target only your best prospects, allow you to specialize your content accordingly and ultimately, save you time and money. It may be challenging, however, to know where and how to start this process. Today,

3 Steps to Building Ideal Client Profiles for Your Marketing Platforms Read More »

14 Free Advertising Solutions for Your Business

14 Ways to Get Free Advertising for Your Business Do your leads pan out? Is your audience failing to interact? Are you falling short of your goals? Have you become an interactive player in your industry? We\’ve been there. Here are 14 solutions that we use to tackle these issues and get free advertising to

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Why and How You Should Be Marketing on YouTube

Most of us are familiar with YouTube. Many know that it\’s actually the second largest search engine on the internet. But according to the Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Complete Forecast by 2021, 80% of all internet traffic will be video. There will be 1.9 billion internet video users by 2021 watching 3 trillion minutes of video per

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7 Websites Optimized For Generating Leads And Why They Work

The Appeal Of Certain Websites Whether actively searching for information or mindlessly jumping from topic to topic, it\’s inevitable that you\’ll stumble across both good and bad examples of websites. Some are the pinnacle of marketing ingenuity while others show an obvious lack of knowledge in anything related to the internet. The site might be

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Facebook Watch: Is Facebook\’s New Video Platform Equivalent to YouTube?

Facebook has recently released a new video platform called Watch. There\’s been much to-do about whether Facebook has positioned themselves to beat YouTube. But does it stand a chance? What is Facebook Watch? Much like YouTube, Facebook Watch is a video platform. It\’s integrated into the Facebook app, under the \”Videos\” tab that you may

Facebook Watch: Is Facebook\’s New Video Platform Equivalent to YouTube? Read More »

Social Media Efforts

Are Your Social Media Efforts Actually Helping Your Business?

Anyone can throw out several social media updates daily. You may get some interaction, you may hear crickets on your social channels, but is any of it actually working? Are your social media efforts doing anything to help your business? You could be spending thousands of dollars on social media management, or using internal resources

Are Your Social Media Efforts Actually Helping Your Business? Read More »

Snapchat vs instagram graphic

Snapchat vs. Instagram: Where Should Your Business Share Its Story?

Instagram\’s release of a \”Stories\” feature left many of us wondering whether to post video snippets of our daily lives on Instagram, or whether to remain loyal to Snapchat, the company that founded the idea of sharing a \”story\” with our friends, family, and followers. But personal use of these features is basically up to

Snapchat vs. Instagram: Where Should Your Business Share Its Story? Read More »

7 Super Facebook Hacks

7 Super Facebook Hacks That Are a Waste of Your Time

With millions of active Facebook users, the social media juggernaut is of great interest to businesses and entrepreneurs all over the world who want to find new business and customers. Facebook is a wonderful tool to integrate into a marketing strategy and, if executed well, over time can produce great, undeniable results. Good things take time but

7 Super Facebook Hacks That Are a Waste of Your Time Read More »

Social media efforts

Why It\’s So Important to Track Your Social Media Efforts

You wouldn\’t blindly throw money at a channel and hope it increases your sales, would you? Of course not, we all have budgets. But even if you\’re not spending any cash on social media, you\’re spending time. So do you know if your social media efforts are working? Do you receive a high click-through rate?

Why It\’s So Important to Track Your Social Media Efforts Read More »

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